Entries by psadmin

Decreased LPP for sexual images in problematic pornography users may be consistent with addiction models. Everything depends on the model. (Commentary on Prause, Steele, Staley, Sabatinelli, & Hajcak, 2015) by Matuesz Gola PhD. (2016)

See this page for our critique and links to an additional 9 peer-reviewed analyses of Prause et al., 2015. Update: Prause et al. replied to Mateusz Gola’s letter. Here’s a comprehensive response to the Prause et al claims. Biol Psychol. 2016 May 24. pii: S0301-0511(16)30182-X. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2016.05.003. Link to PDF Gola Mateusz1. 1Swartz Center for […]

Critique of: “Is Pornography Use Associated with Sexual Difficulties and Dysfunctions among Younger Heterosexual Men?” (2015)

UPDATE 1: Comment on: Is Pornography Use Associated with Sexual Difficulties and Dysfunctions among Younger Heterosexual Men? by Gert Martin Hald, PhD UPDATE 2: Landripet & Stulhofer’s paper omitted two significant correlations they presented to a European conference: Reporting a preference for specific pornographic genres were significantly associated with erectile (but not ejaculatory or desire-related) […]

Comment on: “Is Pornography Use Associated with Sexual Difficulties and Dysfunctions among Younger Heterosexual Men?” by Gert Martin Hald PhD (2015)

Link to PubMed version by Gert Martin Hald Article first published online: 14 MAY 2015 J Sex Med 2015;12:1140–1141 Surprisingly, given its potential clinical relevance, very few studies have attempted to investigate relationships between pornography consumption and common sexual dysfunctions and problems (in the following referred to as “sexual difficulties”). When having done so, the […]

Studies linking porn use/sex addiction to sexual problems, lower arousal to sexual stimuli, and less sexual & relationship satisfaction

Reality Check about Porn Addiction and sexual satisfaction Regardless of what you may read in some journalistic accounts, multiple studies reveal a link between porn use and sexual performance problems, relationship and sexual dissatisfaction, and reduced brain activation to sexual stimuli. Sexual satisfaction is so important in our lives. Let’s start with sexual dysfunctions. Studies […]

Should compulsive sexual behavior be considered an addiction? (2016): Excerpt analyzing “Prause et al., 2015”

Link to original paper – Should compulsive sexual behavior be considered an addiction? (2016) COMMENTS: This review, like the other papers, says that Prause et al., 2015 aligns with Kühn & Gallinat, 2014 (Citation 72) which found that more porn use correlated with less brain activation in response to pictures of vanilla porn. In other […]

“Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction: A Review and Update” – Excerpt critiquing Prause et al., 2015

Link to the original full paper: “Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction: A Review and Update” (2015) Excerpt critiquing Prause et al., 2015: Another EEG study involving three of the same authors was recently published [309]. Unfortunately, this new study suffered from many of the same methodological issues as the prior one [303]. For example, it […]

Neurobiology of Compulsive Sexual Behavior: Emerging Science (2016): Analyzes Prause et al., 2015

COMMENTS: While this paper (below) is only a brief summation, it contains a few key observations. For example, it states that both Prause et al., 2015 and Kuhn & Gallinat, 2014 report a similar finding: greater porn use correlating with greater habituation to porn. Both studies reported lower brain activation in response to brief exposure […]

Research confirms sharp rise in youthful sexual dysfunctions

Young men today appear to be experiencing a sharp increase in ED (and other sexual dysfunctions) since the advent of streaming internet. All studies assessing young male sexuality since 2010 report historic levels of erectile dysfunction, and startling rates of a new scourge: low libido. Erectile dysfunction rates ranged from 14 to 37%, while rates […]

“Neural Correlates of Sexual Cue Reactivity in Individuals with and without Compulsive Sexual Behaviours” (2014): Excerpt analyzing Steele et al., 2013

Link to full study – “Neural Correlates of Sexual Cue Reactivity in Individuals with and without Compulsive Sexual Behaviours” (2014) Excerpt analyzing “Steele et al., 2013″ (citation 25 is Steele et al.): Our findings suggest dACC activity reflects the role of sexual desire, which may have similarities to a study on the P300 in CSB […]

“Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction: A Review and Update” – Excerpt critiquing Steele et al., 2013

Link to full paper – “Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction: A Review and Update” (2015) Excerpt critiquing “Steele et al., 2013″: An EEG study on those complaining of problems regulating their viewing of internet pornography has reported the neural reactivity to sexual stimuli [303]. The study was designed to examine the relationship between ERP amplitudes […]

Critique of “Perceived Addiction to Internet Pornography and Psychological Distress: Examining Relationships Concurrently and Over Time” (2015)

Here are a few of the headlines birthed from this new study  by Joshua B. Grubbs, Nicholas Stauner, Julie J. Exline, Kenneth I. Pargament, and Matthew J. Lindberg (Grubbs et al.): Watching Porn Is OK. Believing In Porn Addiction Is Not Perceived Addiction To Porn Is More Harmful Than Porn Use Itself Believing You Have […]

Neuroscience-Based Studies on Porn Users & Sex Addicts (CSBD)

This page contains two lists (1) neuroscience-based commentaries & reviews of the literature, and, (2) neurological studies assessing the brain structure and functioning of Internet porn users and sex/porn addicts (Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder). To date, every neurological study offers support for the porn addiction model (no studies falsify the porn addiction model). The results […]

Analysis of “Modulation of late positive potentials by sexual images in problem users and controls inconsistent with ‘porn addiction’ (2015)”, by Liberos LLC/ SPAN lab

Introduction Because this EEG study reported greater porn use related to less brain activation to vanilla porn it is listed as supporting the hypothesis that chronic porn use down regulates sexual arousal. Put simply, the more frequent porn users were bored by static images of ho-hum porn (its findings parallel Kuhn & Gallinat., 2014). These […]

Nothing Adds Up in Dubious Study: Youthful Subjects’ ED Left Unexplained, by Gabe Deem

Published: 3/12/2015 (link to original article) UPDATE: June 11, 2015: A peer-reviewed critique by Richard A. Isenberg MD UPDATE: List of 0f over 100 studies linking porn use/porn addiction to sexual problems, low libido, less brain activation to sexual stimuli, and less sexual  & relationship satisfaction. UPDATE: August 5, 2016: Peer-reviewed paper by US Navy […]

The Bogus Sex Addiction “Controversy” and the Purveyors of Ignorance, by Linda Hatch, PhD

I still sometimes read a newspaper.  Today’s LA Times had the absolutely best article I have seen in years.  It is called “Sowing Doubt About Science” by Michael Hiltzik. Agnotology, the study of the production of ignorance The Hiltzik article reports on the work of Robert Proctor, a history of science professor at Stanford specializing […]

Critique of “The Emperor Has No Clothes: A Review of the ‘Pornography Addiction’ Model”, David Ley, Nicole Prause & Peter Finn (2014)

I provide 2 updated “Reality Checks” before we get to the 2014 critique. Reality check#1: Neurological & epidemiological studies that refute nearly every claim in Ley et al., 2014: See Questionable & Misleading Studies for highly publicized papers that are not what they claim to be.): Porn/sex addiction? This page lists over 55 neuroscience-based studies […]

‘High desire’, or ‘merely’ an addiction? A response to Steele et al. by Donald L. Hilton, Jr., MD*

Donald L. Hilton, Jr., MD* Department of Neurosurgery, The University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, USA Published: 21 February 2014. Link to original paper Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology 2014. © 2014 Donald L. Hilton. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), allowing third parties to […]

Is there evidence supporting the existence of pornography addiction? (2013)

Yes, according to Donald L Hilton, MD, author of “Pornography addiction – a supranormal stimulus considered in the context of neuroplasticity” in Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology. But one needs the perspective and education to understand the supporting evidence—and why it will eventually overtake the competing viewpoint that compulsive porn use is due to “hypersexual disorder,” […]